One Watershed, One Plan aims to protect watershed throughout four Minnesota counties
27 Oct 2023
The flow of water seldom respects the borders of counties, states, or countries, but these borders and changes in jurisdiction can make it difficult to care for these bodies of water in a consistent manner.
The Mississippi River - Brainerd Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan, commonly known as the One Watershed, One Plan (1W1P), aims to have different counties work together to secure the future of its watershed over the next 10 years.
Developed throughout 2022 and 2023, the 1W1P covers a diagonal area throughout four counties of Minnesota: Aitkin, Crow Wing, Morrison, and Todd counties. Representing one of the four counties involved, Morrison County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Manager Shannon Wettstein and Land Services Director Amy Kowalzek gave a presentation to the county’s Board of Commissioners Tuesday, Oct. 17, to show the progress the 1W1P has made and its plans for the future.