Finance Tools
Financing is one of the essential elements in business startups or expansions. Community Development of Morrison county, Inc. recognizes this need and is continually researching various funding opportunities at the private, local, state and federal levels.
Small Business Administration
Local lenders and Community Development are familiar with Small Business Administration loan guarantees and other special SBA programs. They will be glad to provide up-to-date information on the assistance SBA can provide.
Several regional funding organizations are in existence, such as the Initiative Foundation, Region 5 Regional Development Commission, the Minnesota Community Development Corporation, as well as private sources. Community Development of Morrison County is well acquainted with these organizations as well as state-wide funding programs. They are most willing to explore these opportunities and work with new development to obtain necessary capital.
Community Development Morrison County Incentive Programs
These financial options are available in many communities, and they become truly accessible in Morrison County because of the financing expertise available through the Community Development organization. Experienced assistance is offered for conventional financing, international transactions, tax exempt mortgages, industrial revenue bonds, federal loan guarantees (FmHA & SBA), federal grant loans, tax increment financing, special low interest revolving loan funds, convertible debentures and other financing method.