Pierz junior high students learn more about ag

9 Oct 2023
Community, Education, News, Economic Development
Recently, seventh and eighth grade students at Pierz Healy High School had the opportunity to visit the Agricultural Career Expo at the Central Lakes College campus in Staples. There, they learned about advanced and innovative production methods, said Scott Herold, elementary and middle school counselor.
Later, the students toured Smude Farms in Pierz, where crops and black Angus are raised.
At the Expo, the students learned about a variety of agricultural careers, such as farmer, crop scout, conservation officer, mechanic, drone flyer, field worker and more. For seventh-grader Tyler Thesing, the career of a conservation officer was the most interesting. While being a farmer was more fascinating to seventh-grader Ellie Hanson and eighth-grader Westin Hoheisel, seventh-grader Madelyn Kahl said the found the careers of field workers and drone flyers more intriguing.
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