Phase I of an archaeological survey in Little Falls now history

11 Sep 2023

Community, News

It’s a beautiful, if hot, Saturday morning in Little Falls, near the Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Museum. A field is dotted with white flags. A short distance away, the sound of shoveling and sifting can be heard. A man has a small table set up with tiny bags of various artifacts, as well as boxes of equipment.

This man is an archaeologist with McFarlane Consulting, Jim Cummings, and also the principal investigator for this Phase I Archaeological Investigation.

The area is already recognized for having historical significance due to being the farm of famed aviator Charles A. Lindbergh, where he would conduct experiments. However, Cummings hopes the land can also be recognized as historically significant due to being the home of Native Americans in the further past.

“This is the initial phase of data collection, so we call it a Phase I survey,” Cummings said. “That’s kind of mundane. That’s not very exciting.”

The more “exciting” work may come during Phase II, when Cummings’ team would conduct what most people think of when they imagine an archaeological dig.

Read the full article here.