Council hears Pierz nine-hole golf addition on course

29 Jun 2023
Community, Business Expansion, News, Economic Development
Pierz Mayor John Perleberg said he and the other members of the Council have been fielding questions daily about the nine-hole addition to the golf course.
Monday, Dave Fischer, the project manager, updated the Council (Jacque Johnson and Kyle Bednar were absent) about the progress at the course.
Breaking his report down to six different categories, Fischer started with irrigation.
For the most part, Fischer said irrigation is being outsourced to “Irrigation by Design,” and six of the nine holes are done, as well as the main run from the main pond across the number 2 fairway.
“That’s complete — that was kind of a bigger project,” Fischer said. “We had hoped to get that done in April. We didn’t get it done, because we got started a little late.”
There are about three or four weeks left out there for irrigation, he said. The supervisor was out there the week of meeting, to do some testing. Fischer said basically they can water two thirds of the course at this point, which will help control the dust.
Holes 17, 18 and 14 have yet to be done. Fischer said he’s giving them a week on each hole and a week to finalize irrigation.
“It should be done by the end of July,” Fischer said, adding that was fine and that it was not impeding other parts of the project.
The second project category Fischer addressed was drainage.
“We’re completely done with drainage right now,” he said. “We even got drainage around the tee boxes and greens complete, so that’s a big step done.”
Tee prep is about halfway completed. Fischer said two layers are being laid on the tees — a open layer of sand, and a layer of pea mix.
The pea mix is sand from the city’s pit, just north of the current campground, that is hauled to the Saehr’s Backhoe pit, where it’s being strained to get the rocks out and then mixed with dirt, before being put on the tee boxes.
“We’ve got the first layer of sand done on all 18 tee boxes (two tee boxes on each hole, with two sets of tees at each tee box) and the second layer done on three of the tee boxes,” Fischer said. “We’re working diligently on that this week and next week. With next week being the Fourth, I’m not sure how many days they will work.”
He said hopefully that work will be done by the end of July.
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