Morrison County Ag Learning Center home to fantastic family fun
7 Jul 2021
Agriculture, Education, Community
The Ag Learning Center at the Morrison County Fairgrounds is a prime location for families to find fun activities during the upcoming Morrison County Fair. In her second year (since there was no fair last year), Brenda Rudolph is the center’s director.
Rudolph had joined the Fair Board not too long before she contacted the Ag Learning Center’s director, Diane Colombe, in 2019. The Rudolph family had a big – make that “humongous” – pig named Hans, and Rudolph wondered about involving him in the fair somehow.
“He was 678 pounds at the time (two years ago) and taller than (daughter) Vivian. He just wanders around the yard,” Rudolph said.
Diane had only just found herself unable to participate in the fair that year. After being asked about Hans, she surprised Rudolph by asking if she would be interested in taking on the director job.
“Things that Diane had set up made it an easy transition. She did an amazing job. It was a good fit for our family,” Rudolph said. “My kids, Everett and Vivian, and my husband, Nathan, help a lot. My kids have always loved the learning center.”
Back in 2014, Rudolph had begun a blog. She used her “Raising a Farmer” blog as a springboard to do outreach events throughout the community.
“My husband and I dairy farmed at the time. The blog was set up to be a bridge between urban and rural communities,” she said.
Some of the projects she worked on included petting zoos at local schools and the Morrison County Milk Project. Everett also took animals to school for show and tell.
Over the course of six weeks in late 2018 and early 2019, the Morrison County Milk Project brought milk to more than 700 students throughout Morrison County in Swanville, Upsala, Pierz, Little Falls and Royalton.
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