Farm women generate more than $397 million
22 Sep 2016
In February, the Minnesota Extension initiated a new program, specifically for women in agriculture, called “Women in Ag.”
“My cohort, Betty Berning, and I saw a need for it. There are different events happening in the state, but we wanted to take those educational offerings to the next level, to move from an introductory level to a more advanced,” said Pauline Van Nurden, Minnesota Extension educator. “They are a hardworking group that is not necessarily in the spotlight, but is looking for education to better their farming establishments, as well.”
Quarterly workshops and an annual conference allow women to network with fellow ag women and learn more about a pre-selected topic.
In June, the Extension held a workshop focused on farm transfer and estate planning. It was a topic many were interested in, since it is not uncommon for a farm to be transferred to the next generation.
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