I.C.E. Fest in Little Falls Still Brings People Together Despite Mild Winter

I.C.E. Fest in Little Falls Still Brings People Together Despite Mild Winter Main Photo

20 Feb 2024

News, Economic Development, Community, Arts and Entertainment

I.C.E. Fest took place over the weekend at Green Prairie Fish Lake in Little Falls, but ice conditions gave this year’s celebration a different look. The annual event raises funds for underprivileged children.

While this year’s I.C.E. Fest did not go to plan when it came to making record-breaking ice carousels, it achieved the goal it has every year. Bringing people together has always been a core value for I.C.E. Fest, and this year, people from all over the world were brought together through their love and interest in ice carousels.

In attendance were current and former world record holders who have spent six years breaking each other’s records. While that can breed a Lakers-vs.-Celtics-like rivalry, it is all love between these groups.

Read the full article and watch the video here.