Illinois native finds dream job in Little Falls at GRA
3 Feb 2023
Community, Education, News, Economic Development
With the love for art ingrained in her since early childhood, Erika Powers was thrilled when she started working at Great River Arts (GRA) in Little Falls in March 2022. Back then, she applied for and was accepted for the position as operations manager. Little did she know at the time, that in less than 10 months, she’d be promoted to executive director.
“I love my job,” she said.
Looking back, Powers said the transition from operations manager to executive director has been a huge change. However, the fact that she already knew the organization and had experience working at the art gallery made the transition easier.
“I definitely think it helped starting out as the operation manager prior to taking on the director role,” she said. There’s a lot of things for me to learn, but I’m excited to learn it and hopefully, get some more things going on at Great River Arts.”